Thread: Circular Saw q
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Stuart Noble Stuart Noble is offline
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Default Circular Saw q

Andy Hall wrote:
On 2007-09-26 18:56:28 +0100, David in Normandy

In article .com,
I think this is probably more important on saw benches than handheld
circular saws.

On a saw bench the crown guard should only have a smallish clearance
above the timber being fed through. That reduces the chances of
feeding in a finger, and of a kickback if the timber lifts off the

The thing NOT do do with a table saw is to remove the guard. I foolishly
did this as the guard kept getting in the way with larger pieces of
timber. However, one day the saw did a violent kickback. It was so
violent it knocked the timber out of my hands and the entire table
rocked onto it's back two legs, then rocked forward onto it's two front
legs - presenting the unguarded circular saw blade straight towards my
groin. Thankfully it rocked back upright again. Had it toppled or gone
another couple of inches, well....
Closest I've come to a vasectomy - and a heart attack!

Standing at the side is the way to avoid this.

Great for ripping I imagine.