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Abrasha Abrasha is offline
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Posts: 75
Default AA battery hack secret

Ed Huntress wrote:
"Abrasha" wrote in message
. ..
Dixon wrote:
Here's a neat little trick to save $ on double A batteries if it's true.
If anyone here tries it post back.


This is what's inside!

Besides, anyone with half a brain, can see, that those 32 batteries do not
fit inside that space!

Uh, I don't know which half you're referring to, Abrasha, but if it's the
half that multiplies, here are the relevant numbers:

AA - length, 50.5 mm, diameter 14 mm

Six-volt lantern battery - height, 115 mm, width and length, 68 mm

32 AA's fit in there with room to spare.

Ed Huntress


The video shows 32 batteries neatly falling out, without them having
been connected their positive and negative poles in any way to each
other, to create one continuous battery.

Obviously a hoax.
