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Lurch Lurch is offline
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Posts: 774
Default Moan about some Ebay sellers...

On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 18:54:04 +0100, "Dave Plowman (News)"

Bought a couple of things off Ebay recently where the seller wanted a
cheque and didn't have his address with Ebay. Fine - apart from being a
bore doing the paperwork and slow.
But what got me was both of them sent their addresses by e-mail in this

joe bloggs 15 smith street bloggsvillage east bloggsville ab1 cd2

which means I can't just cut and paste onto the envelope.

And would that be bloggsvillage east, or east bloggsville?

That annoys me as well, mainly when I'm selling something. I've had a
couple of items returned by RM due to there being no such address. I
charge for postage again before sending it back out to the correct
address, it's not that hard to actually write down your own address
using the correct punctuation and grammar.

And why would someone want a cheque but not give details for an electronic

Some people will have been shafted by PayPal with their random refund
policies so avoid any electronic transfers involving eBay\PayPal as
you can't actually get them to see sense most of the time.