Thread: Glue Question
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Phisherman Phisherman is offline
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Default Glue Question

On Tue, 7 Aug 2007 07:56:45 -0400, "Robert11"


I posted this a few days ago, but it apparently never made it to the group ?
Funny, this has never happened before.
If this ends up being aduplicate post, I apologize.

Have a real old wooden bed frame that is in pieces, that I would like to put
back together.

It was originally held together by very large Biscuits, and a few Dowells,
it appears.

Re the biscuits:

a. Should I use an epoxy glue, or perhaps that Gorilla Glue which I think
they call an acrylic adhesive ?
Which would be better ? Why ? (anything even better these days ?)

b. Some of the biuscuits have old, very hard, dried glue on them.

Would either the epoxy or Gorilla glue work (well) if I don't go to the
trouble of sanding them clean ? Or, must I really get rid of the old stuff
before either would grab ?
(looks like a lot of work to try and sand them clean)


I would clean off all the old glue. Dry fit, fuss with clamps, use
yellow woodworking glue (such as Elmer's), clamp, allow to dry
overnight, sand, refinish. If that's too much work, I'd reconstruct
replacement pieces. Why did it break? I wonder if the frame was made
properly in the first place and not worthy of repair.