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Doug Miller Doug Miller is offline
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Default Dust collection on a lathe?

In article , "George" wrote:

"Wade Lippman" wrote in message
Now someone wants to buy the DC, but I have kinda gotten attached to the
idea of using it with the lathe.
How well does dust collection work on lathes? I don't wear hearing
protection now, but would have to with the DC running; and that isn't
Should I use it or sell it?

It collects dust, but not shavings. They'll clog it in a heartbeat. You'll
clear it so many times that you'll get sick of it.

Might be a problem with wet shavings, but never with dry ones IME. My DC
collects dry ones just fine, no clogs, ever. (I'm guessing you turn a lot of
green wood, whereas I don't do any.)

Doug Miller (alphageek at milmac dot com)

It's time to throw all their damned tea in the harbor again.