Thread: Shooting Board
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Peter Ashby Peter Ashby is offline
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Default Shooting Board

John Rumm wrote:

Brian G wrote:

"(having said that, if you by PAR prepared boards, then it ought to be
square and flat enough for edge jointing anyway)"

That little sentence must have my old apprentice master 'spinning in his
grave' and I won't repeat his reply and actions when, as a first year
apprentice, I asked him "why can't you this f***ing job on the planer" -
after spending nearly a week 'shooting' and jointing boards on his
instructions (ouch was my only reply). :-)

While I don't argue with the concept that a machine planed board will
have some ripple on the surface (which is often easy enough to see[1])
and hence offer a less perfect gluing surface, it would be interesting
to see exactly how much difference in bond strength you get when
compared to a manually finished flat edge joint. With modern adhesives
its seems quite common for the glue line to out perform the material

If you don't care about being able to see the joint then sure slop on
some poly glue it'll probably hold. If you are filling gaps then you are
sure to see the joint. If there are no gaps (apart from a thin shaving
off the middle of course) then you won't see the joint. If you are going
to paint it then you may as well use mdf, ply or pine board.

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