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Graeme Graeme is offline
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Posts: 293
Default roofing felt - is it needed

In message , Roger
The message
from Guy Dawson contains these words:

We have a house on the west coast of Scotland and wind is a real issue
there. If the wind can get into the loft space of a house then it will
exit any way it can. That includes blowing out roof lights and tiles.

I was under the impression that it was a long standing tradition in
Scotland to board the roof before slating. That was certainly the case
in the only bit of roofing I have ever had a hand in in Scotland. That
was back in (IIRC) 1961 near Strontian. That is too long ago for me to
actually remember if the roof got felt as well as boards but I don't
recall any.

Our house is NE Scotland, and yes, the roof is boarded, below the
slates. No felt, though. That is not surprising, as the roof has
probably not been touched since the house was built around 1860.