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Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default shadow box plans

I, also, have been asked to make a shadow box. I cannot find any
plans but here is a picture with dimensions. That is what I am going
to start with.

On Wed, 9 May 2007 00:06:14 GMT, wrote:

A military shadow box is a display case for flags, medals, captured German
Lugers (yes, he has one), etc. I am making one, at my Grandma's request,
for my Grandpa. He is a veteran of the landings on Omaha beach while with
the 5th Ranger Battalion, as well as the Battle of the Bulge and numerous
other actions. He was stabbed with a bayonet once and shot in the shoulder
while crossing the Rhine. After years of hiding his feelings about the war,
he has come to terms with it and now embraces our utmost respect for him.
This is the very least I can do for such a man (and for my Grandma). A
shadow box may be 'after your time', but the time has come for me to honor
my Grandma's request and build him one.

I'd rather not wing it, so again, does anyone have such a plan?