Thread: Moles!
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jJim McLaughlin jJim McLaughlin is offline
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Posts: 454
Default Moles!

Donna wrote:

Ok, they're kind of cute, admittedly, but I'm not as enamored of the holes
in my lawn, and I'm not at all happy that they might move into the house.
Is there any way to get rid of moles? I have toddlers and pets, so poison
can be difficult to do safely. Advice?

Thanks as always,



But it *should* have an effect, and is bait / poison / trap free.

You need a cat, preferably an indoor cat, to do this.

Small garden trowel. Excavate both tunnel ends at each and
I do mean each, mole hill. Insert half a trowel full of used,
urine stained / oaked cat litter in eah tunnel. Replace covering

Moles have really good olfactory equipment, and cats are
among the natural predators. Cat scent, pungent cat
scent applied everywhere in the tunnel complex at one time
might cause the critters to leave.

Your neighbors may not be real happy when the moles show
up in their yards, but this is a mole ridding class, not an
ethics class.

I know many mole cures that do not work. The "gas bombs" don't work;
flooding tunnels with water doesn't work. The "vibrating" wind things
don't work.

For me, a trap has worked. Poisoned peanuts / mole
baits may or may not work, you never find the body...

In handling either, use latex / rubber gloves. Moles will smell
you on the trap / bait.

A neighbor of mine, back when this area was rural, not suburban
sub division as it is now, literally walked around his yard with a
12 ga. 5 round pump shotgun. Mik could "see them tunneling and
he'd cut loose with a # 8 load and literally blow them out of the

Moles eat worms and grubs and bugs. Seriously poison your
lawn with (?) chlordane (?) to kill off the food supply and the
moles supposedly will leave

Me, I on't point shotguns near my feet and fire, nor do
I turn the grass areas intoinsect free deserts.


Good luck!