Thread: Hob location
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Default Hob location

On 21 Apr, 12:38, John Stumbles wrote:
On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 22:46:47 +0000, Chris J Dixon wrote:

I am at the kitchen planning stage, and seem to recall that there
are limitations on fitting a hob beneath a window. As one wall
of my kitchen is practically all window, this could be a problem.

Does anybody have a link to the relevant rule (if there is one)?

Gas or electric? If it's gas there are rules on how close it is to
combustible materials such as units mounted on the wall above which I
guess (without digging out my CORGI crib sheet) would apply to blinds or
curtains, but it's pretty much common sense really (FSVO common :-))

Or perhaps one could make a curtain out of a fire blanket or 2, then
it would perhaps be launderable.