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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default need primer on a/c

"dkhedmo" wrote in message
We were planning on doing a ridge vent and adding insulation to deal with
the current ice dam situation. I assume this would assist with efficiency
of the a/c as well? Do I need two different guys, or should one guy be
able to handle everything?

Yes it will help. You'd probably want a roofer or handyman to do the roof
as it will probably be cheaper.

Before a/c became financially possible, I was planning to have an
electrician in to install center light/ceiling fan fixtures in each of the
bedrooms, and see how we do our first summer. Would fans impact the
efficiency of the a/c?

It won't impact the actual efficiency, but it willk cirulate hte air and
keep the temperature more even. A whole huse fan will suck in air from
outside if it is cooler while hte ceiling fan just moves around hte air that
is already there. Each has a puropse.