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Default Time capsules

"Robert Allison" wrote in message
i have found screw drivers and other tools in walls, some old toys
dropped from attic, old newspapers and a bunch of il bottles left over
from when this home was built in 1950. found a birth certificate behind
a litchen cabinet

I have thought of a intential time capsule but never got around too it

Whenever we are sealing up a wall or other project, I always put coins of
different denominations (penny, nickel, dime and quarter) that are the
same year that we are doing the work somewhere in the wall.

Old construction tradition. As a kid, I was helping on the rehab of some
1915 3-story brick houses to make them into offices, and we found a rafter
section one guy had dated and signed. When insulating my mother's 1966
cookie cutter in the late 70s, we found lotsa period pop cans and a few
tools in the dead spaces. When drafted for footer-pouring duty, I always put
a name and a date somewhere in the pour, unlikely ever to be seen other than
by the poor SOB changing the foundation drains in 30 years. The house we
moved out of in 66 probably still has a card file box I stashed above the
carport ceiling from the storage closet I used as a clubhouse. (No trees big
enough for a tree house on that lot, so you make do- box in the upper
storage shelf, nail some steps to the studs, and viola, a private place
grownups can't get into.)

Kilroy was here, etc.

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