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Posted to uk.d-i-y
Andrew Andrew is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 11
Default Heating a home office

I have an office that I'm using a lot more than I was and, since it's
getting cold now, I need to turn my mind to heating. It's a separate
timber-framed and clad building, fairly well insulated walls and floor,
plaster-boarded interior, pantile roof etc. (i.e. a proper building not
a shed).

There is no chance of running oil to it for a boiler, besides which it's
not that big (bit over 200 sq. ft.) I'm not keen on bottled gas because
of past experience of condensation. So it looks like it's electric
heating of some kind. I don't want to spend a fortune on purchase and
installation, and naturally I want to spend as little as possible
running it.

So questions a

1. What's the most cost effective form of electric heating both to
install and run?

2. Should I think about a combination of background and instant heat?

3. Are there any other solutions I haven't thought of?

Thanks very much, in advance, for any thoughts...

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