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Jim Yanik Jim Yanik is offline
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Default A Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican

CJT wrote in :

Larry (Scratch) wrote:


citizens can no longer trust government to help when a disaster occurs.

just look at katrina.........

the NEXT are to get decimated by natural or man made (terrorist)
disaster might be yours

note insurance does NOT cover act of wars like terrorism......

so YOU might end up just like those poor folks of louisana who now have

eventually people will tire of paying taxes getting little in return
while trillions get wasted on wars in other parts of the world.

Yeah, much better to fight the leftist enemy at home.

The terrorists are about as right-wing as you can get.

Under the WORST of the US "right-wingers",it would be paradise compared to
life under Islamic law. Note the two FOX journalists FORCEd to convert to
Islam at gunpoint.It's also a death sentence to renege on the deal.

And the ironic part is that liberals would be the FIRST to be oppressed and
persecuted under it,and they don't even realize that.

Jim Yanik