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Posted to,alt.usage.english,uk.d-i-y,,
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Default Get paid to post in forums..

myLot promises to pay as you talk on its discussion boards. You can
post and reply to whatever topic that you like.

to join:

The following is taken from their website:


How does this work?

We have implemented a system to give everyone who uses the internet the

ablity to make money. The idea is pretty simple - if you contribute to
the myLot Community - whether it is by posting a new discussion,
responding to a current discussion, commenting on a current discussion,

or referring friends, you earn money. Our goal is to provide internet
users a place to earn money using the web on a day to day basis and
provide access to information they need.

We pay each and every member of myLot based on their level of activity.

As stated previously all you need to do is sign up for a myLot account
and we do the rest.

How do I set it up?

We can't stress to you enough how simple the set up process is, all
you need to do to start earning is sign up for a myLot account and
become a user.

How do I get Paid?

Get paid monthly with minimum account balance of $10 and carry forward
of unpaid amounts. All payments will be made via PayPal. All users will

be required to have a valid PayPal Premier account. Click here to learn

how to sign up for a PayPal Premier account.

What can I do to increase my earnings?

What an excellent question, and one we hope every myLot user will ask.
Use myLot, post discussions, respond to discussions.
Post quality content. For example, generate discussions that engage
other users and provide insightful responses and comments to other
users discussions to further the topic.
Refer friends. For each person you send to myLot you will receive 25%
of their earnings.

How do I refer friends?

All myLot users are automatically eligible to make money by referring
new users to myLot. Invite friends, family, new acquaintances, forum
buddies, or whomever you wish. You will receive 25% of their earnings.

I own a website. What tools are available for me to promote myLot?

Right now, the best available tool is our JavaScript feed. We will be
adding more tools in the near future. Click here to find out how to
integrate myLot content into your website (and get paid at the same
time!) with our JavaScript feed.

In general, by appending ?ref=username to the end of any myLot page,
your myLot referrals will be tracked to your user account.

Be creative. We're here to help you. The more money you make, the
faster we grow, so we're in this together!

What are the limitations?

As far as we can see, there really are no limitations. You must have a
myLot account to start.
You get paid for your activity so it is up to you as to how much time
and effort you put into this program. If you contribute you will earn

Why does myLot reward its users financially?

We believe users are the most valuable asset to the longevity of any
website so why only provide them with a service, why not reward them

How do I calculate my earnings?

Its very simple, earnings equal discussion activity plus user
referrals. You will be able to see both your referral earnings and
discussion activity earnings each time you sign into myLot. The two
will be added together for your total earnings.