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K.J. VanderKoog wrote:

The Mexican Invasion, An Update

I visited Mexico City (first and last time) some 33 years ago, and I
still remember the airport cab driver boasting that Mexico City now had
over ten million people, making it, to my astonishment, the largest city
in the world at that time. This was 1973, and the population of that
heavily polluted metropolis has more than doubled since then. That
same cabbie also told us that, thanks to the encouragement of the
Catholic Church, the average Mexican family had ten children. I have
no reason to believe that number has since decreased.

Now it is obvious that Mexico is, by any standard, a dysfunctional
country; otherwise, we wouldn't have the massive Mestizo invasion and
poll numbers which indicate that 50% of Mexico's population would to
move to America del Norte if it could. It is equally obvious that the
source of Mexico's problems was and is (duh?) overpopulation, but we
don't hear much about that anymore, do we? Mestizo breeding habits
are seldom mentioned in the sterile and predictable public debate over
"illegal immigration."

As I predicted earlier this year, we've heard a lot of debate but seen
no meaningful actions to stop the invasion. In spite of widespread
White anger and a demand for stronger border controls, the only
legislative victory we have achieved so far is a negative one: An
amnesty program has been temporarily - and I must emphasize the word
"temporarily" - averted. That still leaves us with the unhappy
status quo. Unfortunately, I don't see much hope for the future
unless we can somehow get half a million or more White couch potatoes in
LA off their fat lemming asses and take to the streets like their brown

You see, White patriots face a Hobson's choice in the upcoming
election. For many reasons I hope for a Democratic takeover of
Congress, and yet such a Congress would inevitably be even more inclined
to vote for what is euphemistically called a "guest worker" program.
(On the other hand, if the Bush Administration is allowed to continue
its present sabre-rattling course in the Middle East, we may not even
have a world left to argue about. Its a choice between the proverbial
devil and the deep blue sea.)

As I say, the public debate has been sterile and predictable, with the
same clichés being tossed back and forth in 15-second sound bytes by
both sides . Our spokesmen are just sooo, sooo careful not to appear
"racist" that they become liars and hypocrites, and thus easy prey for
their open-border opponents.

Lie Number One: "It's not about race; it's about enforcing the law."

Every time I hear this, which is just about every time I tune in a cable
news program, I just want to scream, "Hey, asshole, of course it's about
****ing race." At least the illegals and their supporters are more
honest, because they openly admit the issue is about race. Their mobs
brazenly carry signs demanding that "gringo" Whites leave "their"
continent. One of the most prominent "hispanic" rights groups is even
named "La Raza," which literally means "The Race." Its goal is the
secession of "Aztlan" from the United States and its annexation to
Mexico. They have declared war - a race war - and our side is
either too stupid or too brainwashed to acknowledge it.

Lie Number Two: "I'm in favor of immigration, it's just illegal
immigration I'm against. After all, we're a nation of immigrants and
they enrich our culture so much, but it's just not fair to those
immigrants who follow the rules and wait in line . . . ." [etc.,
etc., ad nauseum.]

I'm in favor of immigration too - immigration of productive White
European-derived peoples. Until the jews managed to get our
immigration laws radically changed in 1965, this was in fact our
official national immigration policy. National quotas were
established specifically to maintain the existing racial composition of
the country. I frankly don't care if an Irishman or a Norwegian is
here legally or not; I'll welcome him with open arms. On the other
hand, I don't want any more Mestizos or Arabs or Chinamen or any other
non-Whites allowed in this country -- even if they do go through all the
proper legal paperwork.

Lie Number Three: "We've got [pick a number between 10 and 20]
million illegals here already and I realize we can't simply make them
all go away. But at least we shouldn't encourage any more to come

This alleged impossibility of deporting all of the illegal aliens is
never questioned by the "conservatives." Admittedly it would require
a national will and dedication similar to that required to put a man on
the moon ... or to fight a major war. Because this is exactly what
this is - a war. Unlike the phony "war on terrorism" we are in a
real war with Mexico. It just hasn't been declared, or, rather the
other side has declared it and we've simply turned a deaf ear. As to
moving large population groups, mass deportations were accomplished on a
grand scale in World War II by both sides. Ever heard of
concentration camps? It wouldn't really be all that expensive to set
them up again, seeing as we already have lots of extra space in unused
military bases.

I bring up these three lies because they are seldom publicly exposed as
lies. I'm not interested in rehashing all of the familiar economic
arguments commonly paraded about in the jewsmedia. No, Mexicans don't
take "jobs Americans won't do" - they merely depress the wages of
already low-income American workers. No, the economic benefit of
wetback workers is far more than offset by the added crime, welfare,
education and medical costs they bring with them. And, yes, it is
well-documented that illegal immigration is a net economic drain. But
to paraphrase the old Clinton campaign slogan, "It's not the economy,
stupid!" Our race is our nation, and if we don't fight for it we will
wake up some day and find we no longer have a nation. It's happening
right before our eyes, but, none is so blind as he who will not see.


©2006 Rich Brooks. All rights reserved.

"If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.

If you adopt your enemy's religion you are enslaved.

If you breed with your enemy you are destroyed."

-- Polydoros

Fine article, email to your list.
