Thread: Sizing a fan
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Fatboise Fatboise is offline
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by Aidan
Aidan wrote:

And the heat transfer depends on the temperature difference.

If used to heat re-cycled (warm) room air with an extract air stream,
the efficiency will drop sharply, to the extent where the payback
achieved by the device (heat recovered v power consumed by the fans)
becomes dubious. Efficiency will be highest with cold incoming air.
Aidan, Thanks for your inputs. I looked at the vent-axia site and saw that they supply the heat recovery units which I had looked into somewhat when I thought of this project. The thing with my house is I have a solid fuel "pot belly" stove in the Kitchen/living room which is used during the winter. What I was planning was using the fan to move the heat to the bedroom late in the evening just before we go to bed so the remaining heat fromt he stove isn't lost in the Kitchen/living room when there is nobody there. At this stage of the evening there should be no cooking moisture or smells left in the room and if there is some late cooking I can put up with that the few times that it happens. The fan would be on for 1 hour at the most so I thought it wouldn't be worthwhile investing in the heat exchanger unit.