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Default damage from ethanol?

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And what's the problem with that? The environmental extemists ONLY
want conservation. Let;s see, in the last 20 years we've already
dramatically raised the MPG of cars. We've dramatically reduced the
energy consumption of home appliances, PC's, etc. Does Energy Star
ring a bell. We've made new homes more energy efficient through better
insulation. We've put billions into more mass transit and created HOV
lanes on our highways. It's pretty clear we have done a lot to
conserve energy, just like the enviromental extremists want.

You're saying what we've done is "good enough" but I'll disagree here. We
could be doing more. Here's an example. Hybrid technology is working its
way into large trucks. The system I just read about does something quite
novel. It just shuts the engine while idling, like at a red light. This
would be of most benefit for stop-and-go drivers. This supposedly increases
MPG by about 10%. Just by cutting off the gas at red lights (the Hybrid
system keeps the flywheel spinning for re-starts).

This could have been put into every 8 cylinder SUV years ago. Anyone buying
such a vehicle could easily have afforded this upgrade, but where was the
incentive at that time? I don't like guvmint reaching too far into my life
but this would have been an acceptable intrusion.

We haven't done enough and we can always do more. To say otherwise is bunk
and a recipe for failure.

But, where are the new nuclear power plants that companies are willing
to build? Not one has been built in over 20 years. Where are the
oil wells in ANWAR or off the coast of NJ? Where are the windmills in
Kennedy's back yard? It;s the environmental extemist kooks that are
doing everything they can to stop development of any additional sources
that are readily available, because the lack any sense of balance.

I agree we should have more nukes. I think we can see now the risks can be
managed and are worth it. Here in Illinois we have lots of them, however we
also have deregulation so we're going to get screwed on the deal anyway.
But not as bad as if we didn't have nukes. I don't think ANWAR is the
answer however. Its a stopgap at best. Changing our behavior and
priorities will get us a lot furniture. But if they can drill oil off the
coast of NJ, I think thats great. May as well get the oil close to where
the cars are. Windmills would be good too.