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Mike Berger
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Default PC reboots: Hardware problem possibilities

Rebooting is how Windows eliminated the infamous "blue screen of
death". Instead, the system reboots.

Look for OS problems before looking for hardware problems. The
best way to fix it is to eliminate Microsoft Windows XP and
replace it with a Macintosh or Linux system. Another alternative
is Windows 2000, which doesn't have as many problems as XP.

BW wrote:
Hello all,

I have an IBM NetVista 2257 (2001 model) Pentium III 1GHz based machine.
It started behaving rather strangely in the last three weeks as it
rebooted all of a sudden(a few times in a week) without a warning. It
runs WinXP Pro, fully patched.

A few days ago, when it rebooted a few times before it even finished
starting Windows I got annoyed and tried to find the cause. Here is my take: