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Default How deep into the wood should a screw go?

"bent" wrote in message
---| screws are measured from the very pointy end of the tip to the flat
end on the fartherest side
---|) screws are measured from the very pointy end of the tip to the flat
on the underside. Same with machine screws, and lag bolts I believe.
generally in 1/8" increments, so don't bother looking
I constantly trim the ends off with a dremel for max penetration. Tip
rarely matters. Pre-drill is often needed
the deeper the better, esp. in end grain, mdf, particle board. I'm not
happy if I'm more than .020" away. About a 7 pieces of paper.
In machine screws fine threads are stronger than coarse, e.g nfnc.
when push comes to shove, add more depth rather than force width
wood screws come in numbers #8 is commonestly, 6, 10,12, 4, 14. smaller
is smallerestly
simialry sizes use like screwdrivers
they come in silver, gold and black
Gold ones snap, esp. the small ones. Don't use these.
Black ones rust. Don't use these either.

Take a look here for good screws and a wealth of information that may be
contrary to your terminology and way of thinking.