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Default O.T.: Patriot Act II / Library Surveilance

well, I'll throw out a few but I work for a living so don't have time to
cross reference em the way you would like.

1) Jessica's whatzhername's rescue that wasn't a rescue...staged for
2)-about 20) the number of times they claimed to have "taken"
particular cities when it wasn't true
21) Saddam "threw" out the inspectors
22-about 400) Various claims of evidence that there WERE WMD and that
they knew exactly where they were stashed but wouldn't pass that info
along to inspectors for reasons of "national security"
401).the denial that special flights wre arranged for the Bin laden
family and other prominant Arabs while all other air traffic was
grounded..etc. etc. etc.
402) The claim that this war wasn't to gain control of oil rescources

If you want specifics of claim for claim, go to one of the various
websites that references it all. Of course, those who want so badly to
believe tend to discount any sources (even when references are included)
except Fox news.


clay wrote:

Dozens of Claims??? In other words 12, 24, 36 etc... Care to list, at
minimum, the first 12?

Koz wrote:

Yea, Ashcroft said they weren't interested in Librarys. If this was
truly so, then why was it so clearly written into the act?
Cheney just said this weekend that there were clear ties of the
terrorists to Iraq. This is contrary to what our own intelligence has
said. He also implied that there WAS evidence of Iraq trying to
purchase nuclear materials in Africa. Again, this was discounted along
with dozens of other claims.

The point is, there seems to be a general notion in politics that if you
call the sky polka-dot enough times, people will eventually believe it's
the sky is polka-dot, even if they go outside and can see it's not. And
it works...recent polls have shown that people believe there is a clear
link between Iraq and the terrorists of 9/11.


Mr. Fix-It wrote:

No library searches, Ashcroft says
Hi guys,
Since 3 Mile Island I do not trust the USA government from telling us
the truth. And what I saw the US Navy do to our own guys in 1974 in
Delta Company in the Navy brig there as to guys that didn't want to

the game in basic training, I've seen 1st hand what our own guys do to
our own.
I know of three separate unrelated incidents (except qualified under
Patriot Act provisions) where info was sought against library patrons
and this in the Hudson Valley region of NY State. So, so much for
Ashcroft telling the truth in stated article above. And he, under the
guise of being a goody two-shoes Christian. I've always felt the
people going to church are those that feel guilt for being pricks the
other 6 days and 23 hours of the week!
Sounds like Communist Russia and Stalin tactics to me and the McCarthy
era is going to be revisited again, except this time they throw you out
of the country and take away your citizenship in the process even for
the born here in the good 'ol USA citizens. GITMO is one hot SOB in
Who dreams this stuff up?
I guess Rhoades book on building the A-Bomb will be banned in Boston,