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Default Fast drying with no microwave?

George wrote:

"M&S" wrote in message

We own a band mill so I have tons of wood kicking around, walnut, cherry,
red (slippery) elm, hackberry, sassafrass, sycamore, poplar, basswood,
ash, loads of many major oaks, and some others.

Anyway, I am also a potter and have an affinity for lidded forms and have
been thinking of turning several small lidded jars/boxes as gifts for
friends however given the one month deadline I am wondering if there is
anything I can make that will stay in tact after I give it to the
individual with only a month between turning and the holidays. I am also
very partial to nesting bowls.

Well, the natural suggestion, if you have a desire to hollow a bit, is
ornaments. I give them as "aunt Maude" gifts to those who need nothing, but
deserve something.

Then there any number of ways to do warp-and-go turnings. At 1/4" they're
final sand and finish at two weeks easy, one week possible.

Our other aunt Maude gift is a plate of fudge or butter cookies. Normally
they come from the wide scrap pile, though I suppose you might purposely cut
the odd board to get something special. They're already dry, but you have
to make the fudge.

Don't neglect some of that mostly dry 2x stock. Rough, micro on interrupted
(low) power for a 4 minute cycle, check for evolved moisture. Repeat if
it's still got a lot after it cools.

CAREFUL - thick or dense (knots) areas can ignite!

Thanks for some fantastic ideas. Are those ornaments you showed made in
a single turning from dry stock? They are truley beautiful. I am very
interested in the warp-and-go bowls you posted. They are also very
If you could point me to a bit more information on the two I would
appreciate it. Looking at the ornaments I am sure I can cobble together
a lot of dry full cut rough 2x stock to turn. Am I incorrect in assuming
those are made from 2-3 turnings? Top/bottom/body?

Thanks for a great reply,