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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences, but
it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future
pandemics. Population growth is one of the main driving
factors of the continued encroachment into nature and needs
to be addressed as such.

2020 was undoubtedly the year of COVID-19. The pandemic
overshadowed the phantom menace of human overpopulation &
the vast global healthcare, environmental, political,
economic and social implications it causes, above all
climate change [1,2,3]. Besides the fact that the COVID-19
pandemic has caused the deaths of 3 million people to date [4]
as well as severe economic losses, and both directly and
indirectly affected the physical and mental health of
whole populations, the virus lifted a disturbing mirror
to us and our society.

It showed us how fundamentally unprepared we were against
the global menace despite all the technological advancement
& general progress humanity has achieved. Worse, it revealed
how undisciplined & even disobedient we are as citizens who
are not willing to follow the benign recommendations given
by authorities & experts (i.e. optional social distancing,
wearing masks & respirators, & increased hygiene) [5]. The
pandemic uncovered how much we value our individual freedoms
to the extent we refuse to bear personal hardships for the
common good; for example, how little we are willing to
restrict ourselves in our free-time activities in solidarity
with vulnerable, high-risk groups. How much we wish to think
we are in the age of reason, while we believe everything
from the irrational to the mendacious myths, prejudice &
fake news. How in a pursuit for never-ending economic growth
& financial profit, we are willing to risk the lives &
health of ourselves & others, such as our employers &
employees [6].

Still, from a long-term perspective, this difficult time in
our history can be beneficial: It helped us uncover negative
phenomena about ourselves & our current society & realize
our mistakes & weaknesses, so that when another threat to
our civilisation strikes, whether viral, extra-terrestrial
or another, perhaps more threatening & lethal than this one,
we can be better prepared. This difficult time also helps
us realize that the environment is without borders & what
happens in one region of the world affects the others.
The virus respects no state borders, different political
ideologies, or religious and cultural differences. Despite
our differences, in a globalized world, humanity is
essentially one organism; or, in other words, humanity is
also without borders. For that reason, the virus is an
important reminder of the need for international cooperation
in meeting global challenges.

The realization of the unity of humanity, & its subsequent
need for global cooperation, is a must because new disease
outbreaks of pandemic scale are a near mathematical certainty
if humanity does not improve its relationship with nature [7].
Multiple scientific authorities as well as international
orgs, including the UN & WHO, have released warnings about
how overexploitation of nature, especially via deforestation,
wildlife trade and animal agriculture, is fueling this and
similar human health crises [8].

In Nov, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released the
major report IPBES Workshop on Biodiversity & Pandemics,
acc. to which the exponential increase in human consumption,
trade, & global population leads to the increased risk of
pandemics, with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans
every year [9]. IPBES Workshop Chair Peter Daszak states,
There is no great mystery about the cause of the COVID-19
pandemic, or of any other modern pandemic. The same human
activities that drive climate change and biodiversity loss
also drive pandemic risk through their impacts on our
environment [9].

Nearly all known recent pandemics and emerging diseases,
including Ebola, Zika, Nipah encephalitis, influenza,
HIV/AIDS & COVID-19, are zoonotic diseases that spread due
to close contact between wildlife, livestock, & humans [9].
Population growth & increased wealth & consumption lead to
increased production of meat products. Acc. to projections,
by 2030, the global middle class is expected to reach 5.3
billion people; i.e., two billion more consumers of meat
products [10]. Acc. to the UN Food & Agriculture Org (FAO),
the consumption of meat products, driven by a growing number
of human consumers, is projected to double by mid-century
[10], which will heighten the risk of new pandemics.
The spread of zoonotic diseases originates from anthropogenic destruction of the environment. [Image] from IPBES Workshop on Biodiversity and Pandemics.
Intensive agriculture that brings animals into closer
contact with humans creates an environment that enables
the easier transmission of new viruses from animals to
humans. Even without this, global agriculture uses half of
all habitable land on Earth. Whats more, the triple threat
of human expansion into natural habitats, urbanization, &
globalization taken together increases exposure to new
viruses. First, a growing population means people expand
into new areas where they might encounter infected species.
Subsequently, the movement of people from rural areas into
cities increases urban population density, & large human
populations in cities & megacities represent ideal conditions
for disease spread. Last, globalization results in close
contacts between populations, & their greater & faster
movement within & between countries means disease can spread
more rapidly & extensively, as we witnessed this year.
It is clear that population growth and environmental
destruction fuel these deadly diseases [11].

Instead of merely relying on a damage-control strategy,
IPBES calls for prevention of pandemic emergence, which is
also more economical. The report shows that global preventive
measures based on reducing wildlife trade & land use change
would cost two orders of magnitude less than the damages
inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic [9]. However, our track
record for pre-emptive action is not good: Population
Matters Olivia Nater has highlighted our apparent inability
to act until its too late for all environmental crises we
face today, from climate change to the 6th mass extinction [8].

The IPBES report warns that an estimated 1.7 million currently
undiscovered viruses are thought to exist in mammal and bird
hosts, between 540-850 thousand of which could potentially
infect humans [9]. There is a great risk that preference for
reaction over prevention will lead to people culling wildlife
& livestock populations in response to the threat, which
represents our destructive tendencies towards world domination.
Such responses present a bitter irony. We brought on this
pandemic, just like previous ones, by our disrespect of
nature and its biodiversity of flora and fauna [8].
Metaphorically, it can be said that we brought this
revenge of the virus on ourselves.

In December, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his
The State of the Planet speech said: Humanity is waging
war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back
and it is already doing so with growing force and fury.
Biodiversity is collapsing. One million species are at risk
of extinction. Ecosystems are disappearing before our eyes...
Human activities are at the root of our descent toward chaos.
But that means human action can help to solve it [12].

IPBES, alongside other international bodies and recent
scientific literature, urges the reduction of meat production
& consumption, reduced wildlife trade & better biodiversity
protection. It also calls for greater investments into
gender equality, universal access to family planning methods
& services & to education, including environmental education
[9]. But that is only the start. We must do mo This
pandemic can represent a paradigm shift in our thinking.
As Olivia Nater concluded in her article reflecting on 2020,
Nature does not exist for us to exploit and destroy we
are just one of millions of interconnected species whose
survival depends on a healthy environment [8].

Seeking further war & striking back harder against nature
is precisely not what we should do. The only way to win
this war is to stop it. We must stop the interspecies
genocide we are committing & stop destroying the environment
that surrounds & supports us. We must retreat from some
positions we violently conquered from nature & give back
space for other species to flourish once again. Our retreat
will enable us to seek a truce, & eventually peace, with
nature & its species: a win-win scenario. The opposite
strategy, i.e. the continuing attack of the humans on
nature & spread of their populations, products & garbage is
apocalyptic for both humanity & nature.

Many would agree with Nobel Prize winning biologist Joshua
Lederberg, who said that the single biggest threat to mans
continued dominance on this planet is the virus. This famous
quote can be extended to say that the single biggest threat
to the continued existence of life on this planet is man
(more him than her). Finally, Lederbergs quote can be
extended to say that the single biggest threat to humanitys
continued existence on this planet is humanity. The circle
is now complete.

If we successfully change our way of thinking & our way of
life, if we show our respect, empathy & foresight towards
nature & its interconnected species, & if we can find a
reasonable harmony between humanity, its long-term sustain-
able development, and nature, there will be a new hope for
a truly sustainable future for all.

As Antonio Guterres observed, human activities can help
solve our problems. It must be said that we need to start
by taking a critical look at the popular human activity of
procreation, specifically sexual activity unbridled by the
use of contraception. The effect of all other human
activities, including all global production & consumption,
derive from this one. While other measures (living car-free,
avoiding flights, using green energy, going vegetarian,
etc.) are important, they become truly functional only if
we rein in procreation in the first place. To be clear, we
need to limit human numbers by rational & ethical means thru
voluntary, non-coercive family planning methods, services &
counselling, & by promotion of a reproductive ethics of
small families (a maximum of two children, i.e., replacement
level, & ideally less) [13].

Surely, it may seem absurd just after 3 million people have
died from COVID-19 to call for a decrease in natality, but
it is necessary to look towards the bigger picture &
understand that human population increases by over 80 million
people every year. This comparison can help us acknowledge
the magnitude of our growth & its unsustainability (esp. when
compared with the steep decline in other species) [1,2].
To reduce our numbers is not only ethical (giving space to
other terrestrial species & preserving resources for future
generations) but also rational: if human population does not
decline to long-term sustainable numbers, there cannot be a
long-term sustainable environment for a decent human life.
This is not one of the possible ways, this is the only way,
for without sustainability there is no future, no survival
of humanity & the biosphere. Only if we acknowledge this &
act upon it, can we proclaim the return of reason.


[1] Kendall H. World Scientists Warning to Humanity. 1992. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from: 1992.pdf

[2] Ripple. W. J. World Scientists Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. Bioscience. 2017. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[3] Ripple. W. J. World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency. Bioscience. 2019. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[4] World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[5] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How to Protect Yourself & Others. 2021. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[6] Greguš J. Pandemics and Populations. The European Journal of Contraception and & Reproductive Health Care. 2021. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[7] Qui J. How Chinas Bat Woman Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus. Scientific American. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[8] Nater O. What COVID-19 Has Taught Us About Our Relationship With Nature.. Population Matters. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[9] Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). IPBES Workshop on Biodiversity and Pandemics. Executive Summary. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[10] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Meat & Meat Products. 2019. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[11] Nater O. Population Growth and Environmental Destruction Fuel Deadly Diseases. Population Matters. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[12] Gutteres A. Secretary-Generals Address at Columbia University: The State of the Planet. United Nations Secretary-General. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:

[13] Greguš J. Guillebaud J. Doctors and Overpopulation 48 Years Later: A Second Notice. The European Journal of Contraception and & Reproductive Health Care. 2020. [cited 2021 Apr 20] Available from:
  #2   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future pandemics.

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

Population growth is one of the main driving
factors of the continued encroachment into
nature and needs to be addressed as such.

Nope, that is fixing itself. Birth rates are dropping everywhere
except where they are already right down in the noise.


2020 was undoubtedly the year of COVID-19. The pandemic
overshadowed the phantom menace of human overpopulation

Thats fixing itself, stupid.

& the vast global healthcare, environmental, political, economic
and social implications it causes, above all climate change [1,2,3].

More mindless bull****.

Besides the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused
the deaths of 3 million people to date [4] as well as severe
economic losses, and both directly and indirectly affected
the physical and mental health of whole populations, the
virus lifted a disturbing mirror to us and our society.

More mindless bull****.

reams of even sillier **** flushed where it belongs

  #3   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 15,560
Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Australian Pest

On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 06:53:56 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread
  #4   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future pandemics.

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

  #5   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021

The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future pandemics.

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...

  #6   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 15,560
Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 05:32:59 +1000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making an ass of herself as ", farted

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

Richard addressing senile Rodent Speed:
"**** you're thick/pathetic excuse for a troll."
  #7   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future pandemics..

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...

ANAGRAM of Coronavirus Pandemic:
Overproducin' maniacs!

  #8   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...

ANAGRAM of Coronavirus Pandemic:
Overproducin' maniacs!

Wota stunning line in rational argument you have there, child.

  #9   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 15,560
Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 20:13:02 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

Wota stunning line in rational argument you have there, child.

What a pathetic trolling piece of senile **** you are, Ozzie cretin!

Xeno to trolling senile Rodent:
"You're a sad old man Rod, truly sad."
  #10   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...

ANAGRAM of Coronavirus Pandemic:
Overproducin' maniacs!

Wota stunning line in rational argument you have there, child.

There's probably 100,000 to a million times more money
in medicine than there is in human ecology. And people
generally care more about today than they do the future.
That about tells it all. lol

  #11   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...

There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the future.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

  #12   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
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Posts: 15,560
Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Sun, 2 May 2021 06:31:01 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

"Who or What is Rod Speed?

Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod Speed
is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered he can
enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the big, hard
man" on the InterNet."
  #13   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for international
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...

There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.
And people generally care more about today than they do the future.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.
That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at the expense of
other creatures (loss of habitat), future generations (umpteen
different ways), and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!
It's morally indefensible! Arrogant disregard!
Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!
  #14   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...
There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the future.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at
the expense of other creatures (loss of habitat),

More mindless bull**** when extending lifespan
is the result of getting infectious disease under
control and clean water supplys and not ****ting
in your water supply and not tossing half burnt
corpses in you water supply.

future generations (umpteen different ways),

See above.

and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!

Wrong, as always.

It's morally indefensible!

You are free to top yourself any time you like.

Arrogant disregard!

Your sig is sposed to be last, with a line
with just -- on it in front of it, drunk.

Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!

Thats because you are blind drunk, as always.

  #15   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 15,560
Default Yet More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 6 May 2021 19:10:02 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

Marland answering senile Rodent's statement, "I don't leak":
"Thats because so much **** and ****e emanates from your gob that there is
nothing left to exit normally, your arsehole has clammed shut through disuse
and the end of prick is only clear because you are such a ******."

  #16   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued environ-
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year [9]."

Just because some fool claims something...
There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the future.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at
the expense of other creatures (loss of habitat),

More mindless bull**** when extending lifespan
is the result of getting infectious disease under
control and clean water supplys and not ****ting
in your water supply and not tossing half burnt
corpses in you water supply.
future generations (umpteen different ways),

See above.
and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!

Wrong, as always.

It's morally indefensible!

You are free to top yourself any time you like.

Arrogant disregard!

Your sig is sposed to be last, with a line
with just -- on it in front of it, drunk.
Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!

Thats because you are blind drunk, as always.

There's a reason why Rod Speed doesn't want to
talk about emissions! lol

  #17   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

"David P" wrote in message
Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year

Just because some fool claims something...
There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the future.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at
the expense of other creatures (loss of habitat),

More mindless bull**** when extending lifespan
is the result of getting infectious disease under
control and clean water supplys and not ****ting
in your water supply and not tossing half burnt
corpses in you water supply.
future generations (umpteen different ways),

See above.
and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!

Wrong, as always.

It's morally indefensible!

You are free to top yourself any time you like.

Arrogant disregard!

Your sig is sposed to be last, with a line
with just -- on it in front of it, drunk.

Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!

Thats because you are blind drunk, as always.

There's a reason why Rod Speed doesn't
want to talk about emissions! lol

You never could bull**** your way out of a wet paper bag, drunk.

  #18   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 15,560
Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Thu, 13 May 2021 17:04:47 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

Norman Wells addressing trolling senile Rodent:
"Ah, the voice of scum speaks."
  #19   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
"David P" wrote
Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for future

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year

Just because some fool claims something...
There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the future..

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at
the expense of other creatures (loss of habitat),
More mindless bull**** when extending lifespan
is the result of getting infectious disease under
control and clean water supplys and not ****ting
in your water supply and not tossing half burnt
corpses in you water supply.
future generations (umpteen different ways),
See above.
and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!
Wrong, as always.

It's morally indefensible!

You are free to top yourself any time you like.

Arrogant disregard!

Your sig is sposed to be last, with a line
with just -- on it in front of it, drunk.

Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!

Thats because you are blind drunk, as always.

There's a reason why Rod Speed doesn't
want to talk about emissions! lol

You never could bull**** your way out of a wet paper bag, drunk.

20 firms produce 55% of worlds plastic waste, report reveals
Sandra Laville, 17 May 2021, The Guardian

The Plastic Waste Makers index reveals for the first time
the companies who produce the polymers that become throwaway
plastic items, from face masks to plastic bags and bottles,
which at the end of their short life pollute the oceans or
are burned or thrown into landfill.

It also reveals Australia leads a list of countries for
generating the most single-use plastic waste on a per capita
basis, ahead of the US, South Korea & Britain.
  #20   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 40,893
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year

Just because some fool claims something...
There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at
the expense of other creatures (loss of habitat),

More mindless bull**** when extending lifespan
is the result of getting infectious disease under
control and clean water supplys and not ****ting
in your water supply and not tossing half burnt
corpses in you water supply.

future generations (umpteen different ways),

See above.

and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!

Wrong, as always.

It's morally indefensible!

You are free to top yourself any time you like.

Arrogant disregard!

Your sig is sposed to be last, with a line
with just -- on it in front of it, drunk.

Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!

Thats because you are blind drunk, as always.

There's a reason why Rod Speed doesn't
want to talk about emissions! lol

You never could bull**** your way out of a wet paper bag, drunk.

20 firms produce 55% of worlds plastic waste, report
reveals Sandra Laville, 17 May 2021, The Guardian

Its no news that 20 firms produce 55% of worlds plastic, stupid.

  #21   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 129
Default Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back

Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote:
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote
Rod Speed wrote
David P wrote

Earth Wars: Nature Strikes Back
By Jan Greguš, Czech Republic, April 27, 2021
The current pandemic has had many severe consequences,
but it has also acted as a reminder of the need for
cooperation when facing global challenges. Continued
mental destruction will likely increase the risk for

Nothing like as much as international travel does.

" the exponential increase in human consumption, trade, &
global population leads to the increased risk of pandemics,
with more than 5 new diseases emerging in humans every year

Just because some fool claims something...
There's probably 100,000 to a million times more
money in medicine than there is in human ecology.

For some odd reason, most care rather more about not
dying early or being sick than they do about ecology.

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

And people generally care more about today than they do the

Cant imagine why that would be for the life of me.

That about tells it all. lol

Pathetic, blotto, as always.

Extending life spans more & more comes at
the expense of other creatures (loss of habitat),

More mindless bull**** when extending lifespan
is the result of getting infectious disease under
control and clean water supplys and not ****ting
in your water supply and not tossing half burnt
corpses in you water supply.

future generations (umpteen different ways),

See above.

and the environment (you gotta read about it
to know....& you're NOT reading about it)!

Wrong, as always.

It's morally indefensible!

You are free to top yourself any time you like.

Arrogant disregard!

Your sig is sposed to be last, with a line
with just -- on it in front of it, drunk.

Not a drop of humility anywhere in sight!

Thats because you are blind drunk, as always.

There's a reason why Rod Speed doesn't
want to talk about emissions! lol

You never could bull**** your way out of a wet paper bag, drunk.

Australia leads a list of countries for generating the most single-use
plastic waste on a per capita basis, ahead of the US, South Korea & Britain.

Corse, we don't give a damn what anyone else thinks!

  #22   Report Post  
Posted to uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
Posts: 15,560
Default More Heavy Trolling by the Senile Octogenarian Nym-Shifting Ozzie Cretin!

On Fri, 21 May 2021 11:51:34 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

FLUSH the trolling senile asshole's latest troll**** unread

Sqwertz to Rodent Speed:
"This is just a hunch, but I'm betting you're kinda an argumentative
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