On 09/06/2021 23:11, Steve Walker wrote:
On 09/06/2021 20:55, Fredxx wrote:
On 09/06/2021 19:01, Chris J Dixon wrote:
Fredxx wrote:
On 09/06/2021 11:27, NY wrote:
"Jim GM4DHJ ..." wrote in message
knew they weren't a figmet of my imagination
Until the packaging was opened, I was expecting them to be chocolate
cigarettes, rather than convention squares of chocolate in a
cigarette-like box. I bet it took some effort in those days to animate
the boxes "walking" along.
I don't recall seeing squares of chocolate in a cigarette-like box.
But do you remember sweet cigarettes?
Very much so, as I thought I had said. White sticks with a dab of red
and the 'hot' end.
Funny we don't seem them any more :-(
You can still buy them, but there is no red end and they are not
labelled as cigarettes.
I have a memory of chocolate ones being available at one time though.
wrapped in white rice paper...yummy