Halogen to be banned
In message , Robin
On 09/06/2021 14:06, Tim Lamb wrote:
In message , nightjar
On 09/06/2021 09:39, ss wrote:
..."Sales of halogen lightbulbs are to be banned in the UK from
September, with fluorescent lights to follow, under government
climate change plans"....
Apart from a few, rarely used, lamps that have yet to be changed, I
have long converted everything to LED.
Hmm.. I have about 25 twin 5' florries in my workshop in 4 switched
banks. This may be the moment to do the LED conversion.
You have plenty of time to find 50 round tuits given they'll be phased
out "from Sept 2023 onwards"
Huh! Put up with an access tower on bare floor. Place is half full of
fixed machinery now.
Might be doable with an agile bloke from Doncaster:-)
Tim Lamb