On 09/06/2021 03:06 pm, NY wrote:
"JNugent" wrote in message
On 09/06/2021 12:58 pm, Scott wrote:
On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 12:51:24 +0100, Andy Bennet wrote:
On 09/06/2021 11:27, NY wrote:
"Jim GM4DHJ ..." wrote in message
knew they weren't a figmet of my imagination
Until the packaging was opened, I was expecting them to be chocolate
cigarettes, rather than convention squares of chocolate in a
cigarette-like box. I bet it took some effort in those days to animate
the boxes "walking" along.
Frightfully pohsh voice that says nessles not NessLay
No wonder us ruff types never got edufercated proper
I thought it used to be 'nessels' but I wasn't sure if this was a
colloquialism.Â* Not my imagination then.
"Nesslay's Milky Bars"...
...said no-one, ever, until the Swiss parent company started to get
Yes my recollection is that Nestlés' name (on Milky Bars etc) was
pronounced Nessles in UK adverts until about 20 years ago when the
correct French (Swiss-French) pronunciation made it to the adverts in
the UK.
I wonder whether non-English speaking countries are as scrupulous about
pronouncing English brand names correctly rather than using their own
local written-to-spoken rules.
Another one is Volkswagen:
Voolkswaggon or Follksvargon?
I have heard quite a lot of people pronounce Seat (Spanish VW-owned car
brand) as seet (as in something you sit on). Even I know it is Say-at. I
presume that is based on Spanish pronunciation of this (in Spanish)
made-up acronym from Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo.
There's a good argument to be made that SEAT should be pronounced "Ess
Ee Ay Tee", just as we say "Bee Bee Sea" rather than "BuBaK".