OT: ATTN: Rod Speed: Alexa et al listen in on you.
Ads annoy me fully sighted, it must be many times worse for you. I can't even stand to see a single ad on a page. I can't watch or hear one single TV or radio ad without muting or fast forwarding. There are just so many of them it's become beyond a joke.
On Sat, 05 Jun 2021 08:42:51 +0100, Brian Gaff (Sofa) wrote:
The main gripe I have with inline ads on the web is that a wonderfully blind
accessible web site churns out adverts which can completely trash all the
care and design the site builder has taken by merely putting scrolling
graphics, or test as pictures, or some kind of dodgy formatting in the page.
I thus use add blockers and any site that does not like it and wants me to
pay them can go to hell, they should be looking first and foremost the
person whatever their disability, otherwise what is the point if folk are
going to click away?
Its not a new problem, Remember all those download sites that had pop ups
saying download me first etc?
bringing back text and ftp sites I say.