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Andrew[_22_] Andrew[_22_] is offline
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Default Why aren't all window hinges like this?

On 28/04/2021 12:09, nightjar wrote:
On 28/04/2021 10:51, Steve Walker wrote:
On 28/04/2021 10:39, nightjar wrote:
On 24/04/2021 12:48, GB wrote:

I was recently helping my son in law get his flat ready to sell, and
I noticed that the Critall metal windows have unusual hinges, like
in the photo.Â* These are similar to parliament hinges.

The effect is that, with the window open there's a gap at the hinge
side that's wide enough to get your arm through for cleaning the
outside of the window.

That's such a simple idea, and so easy to implement that I'm
surprised it's not more commonplace.

Replacement windows I have had fitted open inwards, making the
outside even easier to clean.

But meaning that you have to remove any pot plants or ornaments.

Assuming you clutter the window sill up with such things.

You can also get windows that pivot about a horizontal point halfway up.
That brings the outside in, without having to worry about plant pots.

I had a conversation with an elderly French woman some years ago and
we talked about this. She liked the idea of opening outwards, but
worried about cleaning. When I told her that we have a window cleaner
who comes round once a month to do it, she thought it a wonderful idea!

Its what I do.

But I suspect you don't live in a tower block.

Don't French windows open inwards because they tend to (historically)
have external shutters which are useful to keep out the heat of the sun
during the middle of the day.

Inward opening windows make it difficult to fit curatin and blinds.

Local library has interesting timber windows that swivel horizontally
about their middle but still use some sort of reflex hinge so they can
be turned almost inside out for easy cleaning. The hinges are marked
'made in Norway' and must have been expensive, despite being single
glazed (refurb in 1986). Pity it is a single story building :-)