Smart Water Meters
On Mon, 26 Apr 2021 14:13:26 +0100, Mark Carver wrote:
I read some gumf the other day, saying Arqiva are rolling out a comms
system for Smart Water meters (it's the meters that are presumably
smart, not the water)
What is a smart meter, have I already got one ?Â* The present one has
some sort of RFID functionality I assume, coz the van from South East
Water drives up our road, emitting a signal, that causes the meters to
'ping' back their readings ?
So, are these meters going to be the same ones used for the smart
metering, or will they come and change my meter (for the third time in
10 years now !)
And if they are the same ones, how on earth will the magic 10 megawatt
ERP signal from Arqiva reach my meter that's 600mm below the ground ?
My water meter has a radio link, with indicator in the electricity box.