Thread: Wheelbarrow
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NY NY is offline
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Default Wheelbarrow

On 23/04/2021 22:28, PeterC wrote:
'My' (given to next door by a builder, left when nextdoor moved, 'rescued'
before new people arrived) is about shot. The pan is OK but the chassis is
rusted through in critical places and will break soon. I looked at
strengthening the affected bits but I don't have the material or equipment.

It's at least 30 years old and was used on building sites until next door
had it. It's really well made and rather heavy (helped by the layer of
mortar inside it) - I doubt that a new one would be as good.

I need something robust, not the twee domestic sort, but can't find
anything. Ebay, Amazon, nothing good. Builders merchants, same things but
twice the price.
Any pointers please to decent ones or, if none, the least bad of those
available? Need metal pan and prefer solid tyre and quite big. Capable of
carrying 150kg+.

Go for a barrow with *two* wheels rather than one - much less likely to
tip over, spilling its contents where you don't want them to be spilled.

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