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Peter Able[_2_] Peter Able[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 167
Default small potentiomenter with switch

On 21/04/2021 13:29, whisky-dave wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 12:18:47 UTC+1, Peter Able wrote:
On 20/04/2021 22:17, whisky-dave wrote:
On Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at 20:09:11 UTC+1, Peter Able wrote:
On 20/04/2021 11:47, whisky-dave wrote:
Does anyone know where I can buy those old school type small potentiomenter with switch you know the ones like they had on the first hand held radios in the 60s-70s and on walkmans and stuff just a little wheel and the click for volume control. And cheap of course

I know I could by the standard rather large pots with DSPT but I want to put
this thing inside a mouse (computer mouse that is) .

Get one out of a scrap radio is the literal answer.

Tell us about the mouse project !

It's for a small project to get students (those interested in hardware) to adapt an old mouse or we can supply one
so they can have rapid fire button with speed adjust. So need to switch it off for normal use too.
unfortunately these seem more expensive (over £3) than the mice we buy ;-)

yes I know there maybe a software solution but we need to attract more than just keyboard kiddies to hardware.

looking to buy 20-40

Respect! That's a brilliant project.

"thumbwheel potentiometer switch" produces 25 10k log taper for about
£30 on ebay.

Hope you don't need LINear. !


Cheers althouth TBA these type may be a problem mounting on a mouse. Currently using a finger preset

Although it appears just adjusting the frequence of a 555 or the M/S ratio doesn;t give a very good range.
Seem both frequency and M/S may need tweeking which is a pain.

now need to find a small , cheap, round mount hole switch.

We try to run 4 or 5 of these type activities a year for students they aren't marked or compulsary
just a fun activity but the days of using a LED , 555 based egg timer are well gone.
Need to think of something that can't be done on a phone or watch and students can show off to friends.

Good luck then.

Incidentally you could probably do what you want to do with two small
press or touch switches - and a microcontroller. Shoving your students
in at the deep end, I guess - but it could be a forward-looking approach.

And it could then simulate LOG, LIN, Ballistic or whatever.

And make LEDs flash !