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Bod F[_4_] Bod F[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 69
Default OT How old are you and how were you taught to read?

On 9/20/2019 6:36 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
On Friday, September 20, 2019 at 5:26:41 AM UTC-4, NY wrote:
"Ralph Mowery" wrote in message
In article , lid says...
At what age in US schools do they make the transition from having the
teacher for all subjects to have different teachers for different
I think by age 9 and certainly by age 11 I had one teacher for English,
another for Math(s), another for French etc - this was in the UK.
Around here in North Carolina you usually start the 1 st grade around 6
years old. There is some pre school that start sooner. The 7th grade
is where it usually starts one teacher per subject. That would usually
put you about 13 or 14 years old.

Ah, so the change from one teacher for everything to one teacher per subject
happens quite a lot later in (some) US schools than in the UK. I hadn't
realised that.

I think Ralph's arithmetic is off. I was 12 when I started 7th grade and
began having a different teacher for every subject.

Cindy Hamilton

How old were you when you started getting participation trophies?