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Meter Location (was Residential Electricity)
Tekkie® wrote:
bob haller posted for all of us...
On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 6:45:07 AM UTC-4, J.B. Wood wrote:
Hello, and perhaps a local ordinance question: Often you see new
town/row house developments that look very nice from the front
except they put the electric meter right in front which, IMHO,
detracts from the view. We have "smart" meters in my neck of the
woods. Thanks for your time and comment. Sincerely,
J. B. Wood e-mail:
code done for safety.
in the event of a fire or other emergeny the emergency responders
need a quick easy way to cut the power / pull the meter
For OP it's local custom-as you state.
Wrong Bobby, it's for the convenience of the POCO. The FD WILL find
the meter if they need too.
Where I live finding the meter is as simple as looking at the wires.