Thread: Detroit 6-71
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Terry Coombs[_2_] Terry Coombs[_2_] is offline
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Default Detroit 6-71

Larry Jaques wrote:
On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 14:59:13 -0700, Gunner Asch

On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 14:14:27 -0700, Larry Jaques

On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 15:55:31 -0500, Ignoramus32337

I bought this generator in auction for $300 plus BP:

It is an old 250 kVa emergency generator with 886 hours. Located
inside a GE facility in Chicago.

It has an engine that looks like Detroit 6-71 with a turbo.

I have always been kind of a sucker for those detroits (first made
in 1938). Once bought, tested and resold a 3-53 and loved it.
Could not pass up a chance to buy the whole generator for $300.

No ****, Sherlock. Congrats, and YOU SUCK!

Anyway, in my own mind, I would make more money if I separate this
generator and sell the Detroit separate as a running low hours
engine, and sell the generating end to be used with some other

My own reasoning is that very few people would want this as a
generator, because it is really noisy and not fuel efficient and
leaks oil (they all do).

A 250 kVa generator is too big for a typical house or farm and
would only be usable for special needs, and usually companies with
big money would rather buy a $100,000 new generator that is EPA
compliant, than some old generator for $10,000.

Whereas, I am thinking, there is a million uses for a good
condition 6-71 diesel engine, like old tractors, landing crafts,
or who knows what.

Makes sense? Separate or not?

What kind of engine would it take to provide 20kW from that genset?
If it's small, perhaps the separation would be a good idea.

Minimum 200 hp. Something like say.. a Detroit 6-71

Oh, come on, duuuuuuuuuuude.

Let's see, a Stamford 19kW head takes 20.8kW input, roughly 28

B&S makes a 20kW unit which uses a 993cid engine. I guess we could
borrow Snag's Harley engine and...

Like Hell ! Did you mean "993 *CC*" engine above ? I think my B&S 5Kw
genset is running an 8 hp OHV motor .
