Thread: Wood Making
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jloomis[_2_] jloomis[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 392
Default Wood Making

I would love to find some fire brick.
There is a few folks locally that do have some beautiful wood fired kilns.
I will look up the Bourry Box kiln to see what it is like.
I would like to build a climbing hill kiln since the area is suited for
then again, I though if a guy could build a kiln on wheels, and move it to
the source.

Too many ideas......not a lot of time it seems.
I am taking a "large" pot throwing class in Santa Cruz this June.
George Dymesich is the teacher and has gone to Japan for instruction.
He is fairly popular, and online.
Now I know this is not wood, but turning on the wheel and turning on a lathe
do have similarities.....
Hey, nice talking.
where are you located?
I am in Fort Bragg, Calif.

"basilisk" wrote in message

On Tue, 05 Mar 2013 09:02:06 -0800, jloomis wrote:

Try to make sure to burn dry wood.
Have a hot fire to keep the chimney clean.
Don't burn garbage......
Scrub the chimney with a metal flue brush.
I would much rather burn oak.

Also, I may be able to use this in firing a "Wood fired Kiln"
We do that around here, and I am tempted to use it for cone 10 firing.
Why not!


I have considered building a Bourry Box kiln, and I have
a large source of used fire brick that I could use.

unfortunately there isn't enough moneyed appreciators of
potter/ceramics in this area to pull me into it at this late date,
especially considering I insist on learning everything the hard way.
