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Zz Yzx Zz Yzx is offline
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Posts: 706
Default Oodles of noodles

On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 17:20:24 -0700, Doug Winterburn

Noodles for turkey noodle soup. Only a single batch - 1 cup flour,
pinch salt one egg and 1/2egg shell water. Woodworking related french
rolling pin made from some left over 6/4 hard maple.

Huh. In the spring of ~1973, a friend and I went backpacking in Death
Valley, CA. We went to a place called the "Desert Hound Mine", where
we found a treasure trove of old stuff, including a stack of old
magazines from the 1930's.

One advertisement had none other than a grinning Fred McMurray eating
a bowl of Campbell's soup, with the headline "Oodles of Noodles".

Other notable adds:

A Mrs. Rockefeller standing on he wing of a small airplane smoking a
cigarrette, headline: "For digestions' sake, smoke Camels".

"And now there's a bike for sale", with a picture of a crippled young
boy with leg braces and his bike with a "For Sale" sign. The add was
for Band Aids.