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Jon Elson Jon Elson is offline
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Default SK hand tool, sadness and silliness abounds

Ignoramus16986 wrote:

Much of the Chinese industrial success is based on two factors, one is
that their workforce agrees to work for little pay in appalling
conditions, and another, that they are willing to trash their
environment in order to keep that workforce employed.

I personally expect that degradation of their environment will be a
strong limiting factor in their future growth as a nation.

The S**T HAS to hit the fan at some time. I can't believe the people
just took it when the poisoned milk catastrophe hit, or all the schools
fell down in a medium earthquake. Eventually, there will be some
similar catastrophe and the people WON'T take it lying down. The US
experienced unbelievable growth after WW-II, and we are now seeing that
wasn't sustainable, the growth in China seems even more unsustainable,
and it is going to be a HELL of a shock when the bubble pops.
