In article ,
AL wrote:
Well, Billy, you seem to be suffering from some sort of disconnect,
pining for the old days of living off the land vs not harming wildlife.
Living off the land involves, brace yourself, maybe you should sit down
for this, killing farm animals and wildlife for food.
Aren't you the master of spotting the conspicuously obvious.
Animals that have been free, and then are killed and eaten isn't what we
were talking about. We were talking about what passes for a man these
days, who plans to poison a flower fancying raccoon, and then leaving it
to rot. In my opinion, the sooner the cockroaches take over, the better
it will be for the planet.
Deep Fried Raccoon
~ 1 raccoon, cleaned
~ 1 lb bacon
~ seasoning salt
~ pepper
~ your favorite batter
~ oil
Make sure all the fat and glands are removed from the coon.
Stuff the bacon inside the coon. Season to taste with seasoning salt and
Pour on the batter and shake to create a thin layer all over.
Add to hot oil in a Dutch oven, fish fryer or turkey fryer.
Cook until golden brown. Remove and drain.
Allow to cool a few minutes before slicing.
- Billy
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and
find out for themselves.
Will Rogers