Neighbor Draining Roof onto My Property
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Bob F
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Posts: 8,803
Neighbor Draining Roof onto My Property
On Sat, 11 Apr 2009 14:11:24 -0400, "
Perry Aynum wrote:
My next door neighbor has run his black corrugated pipe from his
downspouts down to the back corner of our adjoining lot, right up
the the fence, and it is draining directly onto my property, and
drenching the footings of my shed.
I can't believe this is anything but intentional. In fact, he did
it a few years ago, and even more blatantly, and halfway from
front to back, instead of the back corner.
Do I have a reason to complain to the guy? Am I torqued over
nothing? Someone please talk me out of calling him and "politely"
asking him to move it again.
Or should I go out there at night, and push a long pole through
the fence and push the drain back onto his yard, and see if it
magically reappears again back towards my yard?
I would not move it. Degree of concern should be where the water
drains from, what alternatives there are, who was "there" first and
general slope of the properties. MUST he drain there to keep water
away from the foundation of his house? Got basements? Distance
from house to house? Drainage pipe to shed? Any potential real
harm to your shed? "Drenching the footings" sounds like a non-issue
unless there is standing water or really soggy soil around the shed.
It is illegal for a property owner to direct run-off onto another
person's property. In current developments here the location of
downspout discharges in relation to property lines is subject to
planning department approval (building permits0
The OP doesn't give enough info to show whether this is really
altering what existed before he put the pipe next to the fence. The
solution might be as simple as placing some rock to break and
disperse the flow of the water.
It seems pretty clear to me.
"My next door neighbor has run his black corrugated pipe from his
downspouts down to the back corner of our adjoining lot, right up
the the fence, and it is draining directly onto my property, and
drenching the footings of my shed."
The water didn't used to go there. Now it does.
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Bob F
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