aemeijers wrote:
bob kater wrote:
Not always, I agree they do too many high-priced projects but they
also tackle more modest homes, it seems like a 50-50 split to me.
They're currently doing a shotgun single in New Orleans, last year
they did a low-rent townhouse in Philly (?) and a reasonable house in
Austin and that two-owner house in Boston, none of those struck me as
mansions. My impression is they do one over-the-top home each
season. I agree the ATOH feature is of particular use to the average
homeowner. And regardless of what the the total cost of the job is,
the ideas and skill you can pick up watching them do the work are
always useful.
I love watching Norm Abrams and Tom Silva work- Norm's other show
(presumably why he was not included in ATOH) is a little silly with the
$100k of machinist-quality woodworking tools, but they are both clearly
expert carpenters. I saw enough good and bad carpenters growing up in
the business to know the difference, and I'd hire either of them in a
heartbeat, if I was rich enough to afford them. From all published
reports, they are also nice guys with no ego problems, which is a plus.
Not at all prima donnas like the original host. You never saw Vila with
sweaty armpits.
aem sends...
There can not be a more noble goal in life than to have (and use)
more tools than Norm.
Right, wrong or somewhere in between those people have been an
inspiration to many over the years. I am not a carpenter or a
contractor, just a guy like the rest of you. I built this place
The foundation and HVAC were hired out, most of the rest was done
with help of friends and family.
I started with small projects. Seeing what others had done gave
me the confidence to try. That house is what came of it.
Anyone who can swing a hammer without hurting them self can do
the same.
Norm said so.