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Eric Scantlebury[_2_] Eric Scantlebury[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 25
Default Kick Toe heater sizing

"RBM" wrote in message

"Eric Scantlebury" wrote in message
Ok - I am remodling my kitchen and I'm putting cabinets where my existing
baseboard had been so I want to put a toe kick heater in as a

Anyone know of a good site for a DIY'er to get sizing info and product
info on these units? I've already pulled out the existing forced hot
water baseboard (and just spliced it to the existing zone with 3/4
copper). The old baseboard was around 5 feet. The kitchen is 12'x12'.

I can do all the plumbing and electrical for the unit just need to know
what to buy. Any experience/opinions welcome.


Just my opinion: use anything but a toekick.

What would you suggest in an area that has cabinets all around? I've had no
heat at all this winter in the room (New England) and quite honestly, I've
thought about no heat. The room doesn't get more than a degree or so below
the rest of the house - and that was even with all the insulation ripped
out. Now that I've insulated and rocked it, cooking overheats it. LOL!