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Posted to rec.woodworking
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Default What are the reasons so few modern planes measure up to the old one?

I understand that, in comparison, the payscale has increased immensely
over the years but that doesn't answer my question. I know if you made
the old Stanleys the same way now as you did then and only accounted
for labor, the price would be tremendously more than what a person made
in, say, 1910.

And I also know the one best way to keeo labor costs down would be to
go to China--I don't like that but it is the truth.

But it would seem to me that the improvements in economies of scale
would come into play in modern times, like using computers and machines
to do the work of scores of men.

I guess I am asking if a cheapo Buck Bros. plane from Home Depot will
cut as good as an old Stanley if both were equipped with a Hock blade?

I am not trying to be a smart aleck, I am really confused as to whether
it is worth obtaining old planes when as cheapo new would work as long
as it used a good blade.

I would have to say the same is NOT true with a saw or chisel because
not only does labor need to get factored in but also the steel used to
make them--a higher quality steel will, obvisously, cost a lot more and
no longer make a saw cheap.